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Zoning Board of Adjustment Minutes 04/28/09
April 28, 2009 Meeting
Members & Staff Present:    Diane Chauncey            Doug Crafts                 John Giffin       
Ron Haggett                             John Kendall                 Frank Scales               Paul Vasques               
Members & Staff Absent:   Len Pagano         Don Winchester           Paul Young
Public Attendees:   Dana Primiano (Hancock resident)
                                 Mark Hutchinson (Radio Frequency Engineer)

7:00 Review Session 

            Review Period 
            Appoint alternates to sit for absent members:  Mr. Scales for Mr. Young and Mr. Haggett for                Mr. Pagano
7:15 Public Meeting
New Cingular Wireless (AT&T) File #2009-01ZBA
                        Mark Hutchins: Strategy session for Radiofrequency Survey
Chair Kendall opened the meeting at 7:16, and asked Mr. Hutchins to present his proposal to conduct an independent survey to determine suitable sites for the installation of a Personal Wireless Service Facility (PWSF). He outlined his services as follows:
Review application material
Examine radiofrequency coverage
Consider Federal Communications Commission (FCC) compliance for human exposure guidelines
Develop a map that is not color dependent that depicts the coverage areas
Develop computer modeling of proposed coverage combined with that of neighboring towns
Request additional data from the applicant
Work with Planning Staff on requirements of the Antrim Zoning Ordinance
Analyze antenna height
Address neighbors' concerns
Property values – not his area of expertise but can give his opinion
Locate viable alternative sites
Chair Kendall thanked Mr. Hutchins for his outline. He expressed his concern (as Chair of the Board) for the Board's first PWSF proposal, and, that there was not much resistance from residents, except for the immediate neighborhood. The Board restated their desire to locate the PWSF on town owned property, concern for the abutters' diminished property values, and the possible health issues.
Mr. Hutchins said that he looked forward to working with the Planning staff and the applicant. Chair Kendall thanked Mr. Hutchins for attending the Zoning Board of Adjustment work session.
Discuss possibility of hiring an assessor for property values (Chauncey e-mail of 4/21/09)
Ms. Chauncey reported her phone call with potential appraiser, Andrew Lemay. The Board discussed the pros and cons of having property appraised to determine value of a property with a cell tower view.  The Board made the decision to request a formal proposal from Mr. Lemay. The Planning Staff will call him and request the proposal.
AT&T Letter dated 4/17/09: FAA determination regarding FAA lighting
Mr. Vasques summarized the FAA letter stating that the proposed PWSF is not required to have lighting.
Business Meeting:
Approval of the April 14, 2009 minutes – Mr. Haggett moved to approve the minutes as corrected.  Mr. Scales seconded the motion. Vote: unanimous                                                                             Reminder: Office of Energy & Planning Spring Conference on 5/2                                           Reminder: Cell tower site walk on 5/5 at 5:30 – NOT followed by a meeting                Reminder: Falcigno site walk on 5/12 at 6:00 PM followed by meeting at Town Hall
At 9:30, Mr. Giffin moved to adjourn the work session. It was seconded by Mr. Scales, and approved by all.   
Respectfully submitted,
Diane M. Chauncey, Planning Assistant,
On Behalf of the Antrim Zoning Board of Adjustment